About Us

"That ye might walk worthy of Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;" --Colossians 1:10


Legacy Baptist Church is a new ministry reaching the communities in the Oakland, Iowa, area...hoping to both saturate with the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide Biblical opportunity for fellowship, service, and worship. As a young church, we are afforded an opportunity to begin anew...having reevaluated the exercises of church and tradition again through the lens of Scripture.

While holding fast to that which is good, we trust that a fresh examination of why we do what we do will help to excite toward a fervency in ministry and worship. Upon viewing the About Us pages, we believe you'll find that we well-resemble familiar independent Baptist traditions, but that we also have drawn upon a few somewhat unique approaches or emphases we believe might better help to bring focus and unity around the Lord, His word, and His intended work.

"...And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." --Acts 2:47b